Voting for the election of two Directors to the BankVic Board opens on Monday 9 September 2019.

Your eligibility to vote in this election has been determined in accordance with the BankVic Constitution.*

As a BankVic member you can contribute to important decisions, such as who runs your bank.

At BankVic, every member has an equal vote and you are eligible to vote.

Under the BankVic Constitution, two of our BankVic Director positions fall vacant this year, and five members have been successfully nominated for the two positions.

As BankVic has received more than two nominations, a vote will be conducted by both electronic and postal ballot. CorpVote, an independent voting and election services company will be acting as the independent Returning Officer and will conduct the secret ballot.

How to vote:

You will receive an email (or a letter by post if you have not provided us with your email) from CorpVote with detailed instructions on how to vote, once voting opens on Monday 9 September 2019.

You will be able to cast your vote online or by requesting a postal ballot pack. You will only be able to vote once, and your vote will be registered anonymously.

In order to vote you will require your Voter Access Code (VAC) and BankVic Member Number. Your VAC will be sent to you by CorpVote at the time the vote opens.

Ballot period:

The ballot will open at 12:01AM AEST on Monday, 9th September 2019 and close at 12:00PM AEST on Monday, 30th September 2019.

Ballot results:

Election results will be announced at the Annual General Meeting on Thursday 14 November 2019.

Postal Votes:

If you do not have internet access to vote online, you can request a postal ballot to be sent to you after voting begins on the Monday 9 September 2019. You can contact CorpVote Support on 1300 147 797 or via to arrange this when voting opens.

Applications for a postal ballot pack will close at 5pm on Monday 16 September 2019 and completed ballot papers must be received by 12 (noon) Monday 30 September 2019.

About CorpVote:

CorpVote Pty Ltd is independently conducting this voting process. CorpVote has been appointed by BankVic to protect your privacy and ensure a fair and equitable ballot result. All votes submitted are anonymous and the method by which you cast your vote is secure.

Voting Support:

If you need further information or have any questions about the ballot, please contact CorpVote on 1300 147 797 or

*Eligible members hold ten paid-up shares, are aged 18 years or older and have been a member of BankVic for at least 12 calendar months before the day preceding the close of nominations for election of Directors, that is, they need to have become a member prior to 27 June 2018.