In this article:

Notice is given that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Police Financial Services Limited ACN 087 651 661 (trading as BankVic) will be held as a virtual event on 10 November 2020 at 5.00pm.


An invitation is extended to all BankVic Members to attend the 2020 Annual General Meeting. Please register your attendance by completing the RSVP Form. 

Order of Business
1. Address by the Chair and the CEO
The Chair, Lucinda Nolan, and the Chief Executive Officer, Anthony De Fazio, will give an update on BankVic’s performance and prospects.

2. Consideration of Financial Statements and Reports
To consider the Financial Report, Directors’ Report and Auditor’s Report for the financial year ended 30 June 2020 as set out in the BankVic 2020 Annual Report.

3. Report on election of Directors 
The Company Secretary will report on the election of Directors.

Remote attendance
The meeting will be accessible to all Members via Microsoft Teams. Ensure to register your attendance by completing the RSVP Form.

Submitting questions
Members may submit questions in advance of the meeting.

Questions can be submitted in advance when completing the RSVP Form or can be emailed to by 5.00 pm (AEST) on 6 November 2020.  Questions must relate to the business of the meeting only.

Members will have the opportunity to submit questions during the meeting and are asked to follow the instructions from the Chair.

The Chair or the CEO will respond to the questions during the meeting. Members are limited to a maximum of two questions each (including any submitted in advance of the meeting). The Chair will request, prior to a Member asking a question, that they identify themselves.

Appointment of a Proxy

Members who wish to appoint a proxy to attend the meeting should contact the company by emailing and we will email you a proxy form. In order to be valid, a proxy form must be lodged prior to 5.00pm on 8 November 2020 (AEST). 

By Order of the Board
Richard Hobson
Company Secretary

The following information explains the business to be considered at the AGM.

Item 2: Financial Statements and Reports
The BankVic 2020 Annual Report (which includes the financial report, the directors’ report, and the auditor’s report) will be presented to the meeting.  Members can access a copy of the Annual Report on this page.

During this item, Members will be given a reasonable opportunity to ask questions about, and make comments on, the 2020 Annual Report, BankVic’s management and operations.

BankVic encourages Members to lodge written questions in the week before the meeting by sending an email to: . While the Chair and CEO will endeavour to address all questions raised by Members at the meeting, this will be subject to the time available.

Item 3: Report on election of Directors
In accordance with BankVic’s Constitution and regulatory guidelines, each candidate for the position of Director must be a Member of BankVic and must satisfy the Australian Prudential Regulatory Authority’s fit and proper person requirements.

BankVic also undertakes comprehensive checks into candidates’ backgrounds and experience.
As the number of candidates was equal to the number of positions available, each of Debra Robertson, David Cowan, and Tony Long have been elected unopposed pursuant to section 2.1 of Schedule two of BankVic’s Constitution, from the end of the AGM.

Brief biographical details of each of the nominee directors are set out below for the information of Members. 

Debra Robertson APM 
Advanced Diploma of Public Safety (Investigation), GAICD, CF.

Debra has been a Director of BankVic for three years.  As required by the Constitution, she retires by rotation at this AGM, and was nominated for re-election. Debra is a Commander in charge of Operations for Western Region at Victoria Police with over 37 years’ experience across operational policing and strategic projects. 

Debra holds an Advanced Diploma of Public Safety and Police Investigation, an Advanced Certificate in Management, and postgraduate qualifications in Gender and Policing. She served two years as the Vice President of The Police Association Victoria (TPAV), was a previous Director of the Police Federation Australia (PFA) and was a recipient of a Churchill Fellowship in 2017.  Debra is also the President of Blue Light and sits on advisory boards for both RMIT and Latrobe University.

David Cowan 
Master of Studies (Criminology)(Cambridge), Grad Dip, Exec Leadership (PES), Senior Executives in Govt Program (Harvard), CF.

David has been with Victoria Police for 30 years. He has undertaken several organisational reviews and held positions in corporate planning and risk management. 

David is currently a Superintendent in Southern Metro Region and is the President of the Australia and New Zealand Society of Evidence Based Policing. He is an advocate for rigorous research and collaboration with academia.  He has been awarded the Australasian Policing Scholarship (AIPM) and the Distinguished Police Scientist Award (ANZSEBP).

Tony Long
Grad Cert, Applied Management (AIPM), Diploma of Business (Frontline Management) (Chisholm), Cert III in IT (Software Applications) (NMIT)

Tony is currently the Inspector in charge of the Traffic Camera Office at Victoria Police having almost 40 years policing experience across operational, investigative, strategic review and management roles. Tony has an extensive history of community service volunteerism and is currently the Vice President of the Westgate Branch of the Blue Ribbon Foundation.