Did you know investment scams and romance scams continue to cause the most financial loss? In the last year there were $66 million in losses reported to investment scams and $40 million to romance scams.

Together with Victoria Police and Crime Stoppers Victoria, we’ve released a podcast called Let’s Talk Scams to break down what our community needs to know about online scams, and how to prevent becoming a victim.

Listen to the podcast: Let’s Talk Scams

Hosted by Lexie Jeuniewic from Crime Stoppers Victoria with guests Detective Superintendent Jane Welsh from the Victoria Police Cybercrime Division and Scott Wall, Chief Information Officer at BankVic, the 40-minute episode offers listeners valuable safety tips and insights on a range of topics, such as phishing, identify theft, and romance and investment scams, plus much more. 

As a partner of Scamwatch and its Scams Awareness Week, which runs from 8 – 12 November, we’re aiming to get our community talking and promote conversation on scams. This is because scams target people of all backgrounds, ages and income levels across Australia – there is no one group of people who are more likely to become a victim of a scam, everyone may be vulnerable to a scam at some time.

If you believe you have been a victim of fraud, please consider doing the following:

  • BankVic members, call us on 13 63 73, Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm. Outside of business hours, for fraud relating to your VISA card, call the VISA 24hr Emergency Hotline on 1800 621 199.
  • Make a report to the ACCC’s Scamwatch at scamwatch.gov.au.
  • For scam prevention information visit the Crime Stoppers website. 

About the Author

Updates about how BankVic is investing in its members communities to drive positive change