Important information about our business performance and governance.

Corporate Governance

Our Structure and Governance Principles

Our structure

As an Australian company registered under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) regulated by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) and as an Authorised Deposit-taking Institution (ADI) regulated by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), BankVic is a customer-owned or mutual bank.

We have a continual focus on good governance, financial strength and security. We will continue to comply with the Corporations Act, the Prudential Standards prescribed by APRA and all other legal and ethical obligations relevant to our bank.

Our Board of seven non-executive directors are independent with the majority being elected by our members. Following changes to the BankVic Constitution in 2017, a small number of directors are appointed by the Board, to ensure the Board collectively has the full range of skills and experience required.

Each director candidate is assessed for fitness and propriety to be a director of BankVic, against APRA’s Prudential Standard CPS 520. Directors also participate in ongoing development through formal training, information sessions on industry and regulatory developments and attendance at industry forums dealing with matters relevant to BankVic’s business.

Governance principles

The Board acknowledges its accountability to BankVic members and aims to ensure BankVic operates in an ethical and responsible way in delivering a real alternative to other profit driven competitors.

In order to do so, the Board has adhered to this Statement of Corporate Governance Principles, which is reviewed annually, and underpins the following duties carried out by the Board:

  • improving organisational performance by the adoption and monitoring of corporate strategies, budgets, plans, policies and performance;
  • setting strategic directions, targets and monitoring the performance of executive management;
  • providing processes for monitoring, reviewing and enhancing the performance of each Board member, of the Board as a whole and of each Board Committee;
  • ensuring there are adequate plans and procedures for succession planning;
  • identifying and monitoring the principal business and prudential risks of BankVic;
  • monitoring the financial performance of BankVic;
  • ensuring compliance in both letter and spirit with BankVic’s corporate and legal responsibilities; and
  • ensuring business operations are undertaken in an honest, open and ethical manner.

The Board has delegated responsibility for management of the day-to-day activities of BankVic to the Chief Executive Officer and Executive Team.

Customer Owned Banking Code of Practice 

BankVic has adopted the Customer Owned Banking Code of Practice to reflect and strengthen our commitment to our members.  

The Customer Owned Banking Code of Practice is a voluntary framework which sets out the highest standards of banking practice. As members of the Customer Owned Banking Association, we’ve demonstrated compliance with the code’s comprehensive set of requirements. These requirements fall into seven key promises that form the basis of the code: 

  1. We will deliver banking services in the interests of our customers.  
  2. We will obey the law.
  3. We will not mislead or deceive.
  4. We will act honestly and fairly.
  5. We will offer products and services that are fit for general purpose.
  6. We will deliver services with reasonable care and skill.
  7. We will contribute to our community.  
  8. We're monitored to ensure our ongoing compliance with the code.  

View the code.

BankVic Whistleblower Policy

BankVic is committed to providing a safe environment for reporting behaviour that might not align with its corporate values and encourages disclosure of any concerns, as early as possible, so that they can be addressed, and improvements made if needed.  BankVic has a Whistleblower Policy designed to encourage and support people to report issues related to fraud or theft, corruption, illegal activity, serious breaches of internal policies, negligence or significant risks posed to public safety or the stability of the financial system.

For further information, please read the BankVic Whistleblower Policy

Member complaints are not covered by this policy and should be raised via the dedicated complaints process which can be found on the complaints and disputes page.

Regulatory Disclosures

Learn more about our business performance and management of regulatory obligations.

Terms and conditions

Important things you should know

Information on this page is general in nature and does not take into account your personal circumstances. You should consider whether it is appropriate for you before acquiring the product or service.

Fees and charges may apply. Interest rates are variable and subject to change. Information on our terms & conditions, interest rates and fees & charges are available on request.

We recommend that you read the following documents: