In this issue of Member Matters:
- A message from Director, Faith Page
- The ACWAP Awards and BankVic scholarship winners
- 2023 Wall to Wall Ride
- Neighbourhood Watch Victoria's Roadshow
- Our new Kiosk opens at the Police Academy
- How you could win $10k
- Our AGM details
Dear Members,
We have a fantastic edition of Member Matters for you this quarter, with a wealth of events, initiatives and updates that really do capture the BankVic purpose of going further for our members. We're only few months into a new financial year but with so much to celebrate already as we head into the warmer months.
In early October our Annual Report 2023 will be published, detailing our progress, highlights and financial performance for this past financial year. We’re looking forward to sharing with you the work we've done across a fulfilling year here at BankVic.
In this issue of Member Matters, you will read about some fantastic events and campaigns we have been privileged to support, in particular the 40th Anniversary Thank You campaign with Neighbourhood Watch Victoria. Throughout August, we joined them on the road as they visited regional police stations to say thanks for their support over the last 40 years, cooking up a classic Aussie BBQ.
We also hit the road to support the 14th Wall to Wall ride in September, an event that BankVic has supported for many years, honouring fallen members of the police force whilst raising funds for police-related charities and promoting safe and lawful motorcycling.
For the first time we were proud to partner with the Australian Council for Women and Policing (ACWAP) Victorian Division to create a scholarship that enabled two members of the Victorian Police to attend the international AWCAP conference and awards in New Zealand. We are so excited to be able to support the professional development of these deserving recipients.
And not to be missed - the much-anticipated BankVic calendars will soon be winging their way to members. We know the place these calendars have in the hearts (and desks, and walls!) of our members.
I hope you enjoy the October edition.
ACWAP Award and BankVic Scholarship
The Australasian Council of Women And Policing (ACWAP) was established in 1997 and represents women and men within the police services, law enforcement and the community across Australia, New Zealand and South Pacific regions.
This year the 60th International Women in Policing Conference hosted by the IWPC, was held in Auckland, New Zealand between the 17th – 21st September 2023.
We were so proud to partner with the Australian Council for Women and Policing (ACWAP) Victorian Division to create a scholarship that enabled two members of the Victorian Police to attend the conference and awards in New Zealand. This scholarship also includes 12 months of education and learning opportunities for professional development for the recipients.
This year's scholarship recipients were Constable Allison Gamble and Senior Sergeant Kelly Christie. A huge congratulations to them both.
Above (L-R): Deputy Commissioner Wendy Steendam, Scholarship recipients Constable Allison Gamble, Senior Sergeant Kelly Christie and BankVic CEO Anthony De Fazio.
International Day of World’s Indigenous Peoples
The Victorian Police Women of Colour Network (WoCN) and the Aboriginal Employee Network Council (AENC) hosted the inaugural International Day of World’s Indigenous Peoples with the support of BankVic. The theme of this year’s event was “Youth as Agents for Change” and highlighted the important role women play in creating positive change.
We were proud to support this event, as it provides a platform for this important conversation and an opportunity to elevate and amplify the voices of Indigenous women of colour as a collective. We look forward to being a part of more conversations with WoCN and AENC in the future.
Celebrating 40 years of Neighbourhood Watch
Image (L-R) BankVic Relationship Manager Michelle Ferry and CEO Anthony De Fazio with a sausage in hand in front of the Roadshow Marquee in Geelong, Bankvic's Rachel Morley, Michelle Ferry and Anthony De Fazio with Bambi Gordon, CEO of Neighbourhood Watch Victoria.
Throughout August our BankVic Relationship Managers Bec and Michelle were out on the road, supporting the Neighbourhood Watch Victoria team as they visited police stations across Victoria.
Celebrating their 40th year, the team put on a classic Aussie BBQ to say “Thank You” to Victoria Police for their continued and valued partnership. The roadshow travelled throughout the state, all the way from Warrnambool and Geelong to Horsham, Bairnsdale and Morwell.
New Kiosk alert!
Our new kiosk formally opened for business at the Victoria Police Academy in September, allowing us to be more accessible for new recruits and support them as they start their policing career.
Recruits and Academy staff can chat to our team at the new kiosk between 11:30am-1:30pm every Tuesday & Thursday.
Above L-R: Roslyn Horridge, Assistant Commissioner Tim Hansen, BankVic Mobile Lending Manager Peter Tseros, BankVic CEO Anthony De Fazio, and BankVic Chief Growth and Experience Officer Rachel Morley,
Wall-to-Wall Ride 2023
Clockwise (from top left): The BankVic Support Crew cars, Anthony De Fazio, BankVic CEO and Assistant Commissioner Michael Grainger, the BankVic team, the convoy heading to Canberra.
The BankVic support crew was proud to support the Victorian riders of this year's Wall-to-Wall Ride, to remember and honour fallen members of the police force whilst raising funds for police-related charities and promoting safe and lawful motorcycling.
This year we had four BankVic vehicles carrying 8 staff, 10kgs of fresh fruit, 400 muesli bars and 8 large tubs of visor spray, water and suncream. We travelled for two days, stopping in Sale, Merimbula and Cann River, arriving in Canberra to gather with the other state rider contingents. With a police escort for the convoy to the National Police Memorial, riders took part in the annual ceremony to honour those who have fallen.
Thank you to all who attended, and we look forward to making the journey with you again next year.
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BankVic Annual General Meeting 2023
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) for 2023 will be held at 5.00 pm (AEST) on Tuesday 14 November 2023.
This AGM is being held virtually so members will be able to join the meeting online.
The AGM Notice and all details relating to the AGM can be found on the BankVic website